Paignton Park

Litter Picknic

We litter pick in Paignton Park every month meeting at 10am in the Community Square in the park by Paignton/Daleview Road with council collection afterwards. Gloves, pickers, bags provided. All welcome to come along to help or just to meet neighbours & enjoy some refreshments 🙂
Please get in touch with any questions

Last Sunday of every month
Next: Sunday 30 March (Mothering Sunday) 10am
Meet in the Community Square (with ping pong table)

We are happy to report that there is to be a large investment in parks across Tottenham and our very own Paignton Park will receive a good chunk of that (all we know is ‘6 figures’). Read more about this on the Haringey Council website.


There are now dual-waste bins for recycling and general. We have new orange bags for collecting recyclable materials, as well as the usual green ones.

Rough Sleepers

The Council has an Street Outreach Team to help rough sleepers.

Also, any member of the public, professional or person affected by rough sleeping themselves can use the Streetlink service, and the referrals are sent across to the Council Outreach Team immediately on receipt of the referral.

Glorious early morning sunshine in Paignton Park