About Us

📢📢📢 Some super exciting news for our community!!
There is to be a large investment in parks across Tottenham and our very own Paignton Park will receive a good chunk of that (all we know is ‘6 figures’). This is testament to the long term work of our councillors Barbara and Michelle, along with members of our local community, who tirelessly advocate for our need for and right to quality green space 🌳🌳🌳🎉
Read more about this on the Haringey Council website

Soil testing has been done by Earthworks in Paignton Park for the Tiny Forest 🌳🌳🌳

Find out more about the Tiny Forest for Paignton Park! You can share your thoughts, get involved with the planting, volunteer to be a tree keeper..

Keep an eye on the Eventbrite page for planting day events!
Info will also be posted on this VCRA website, on our Vartry Mutual Aid WhatsApp & on posters around the neighbourhood!

As reported on BBC News – ‘Victory for Haringey parking permit campaigners’ 🎉
Haringey Council have decided not to remove daily visitor permits 🎉
Cllr Seema Chandwani, Haringey Council’s Cabinet Member for Resident Services & Tackling Inequality, said it was “clear that the majority of you felt abolishing daily visitor permits would not work due to an unfair disadvantage for areas with longer controlled parking zone hours”
She added that the decision to scrap the proposal was “a testament to the power of community engagement”.

Have your say on Haringey Kerbside and Electric Vehicle Strategies
Your Streets, Your Say: Help Shape Haringey’s Future!

We are reimagining our streets to create a safer, greener, and more sustainable borough for everyone.Help us shape Haringey’s future by sharing your views to inform our Kerbside Strategy and Electric Vehicle Strategy.
Have your say by 9 March 2025.
WhatsApp group for parents

*** NEW ***
Parents WhatsApp Group
*** All Welcome! ***

Checkout Haringey Engagement Hub…
…where you can see all of Haringey Council’s active, past and upcoming engagements in one place.

Triangle Centre – new timetables!

Please do contact us if you have useful info to share with the neighbourhood or spot any errors on this website

Healthy New Year! 👣
Yoga with Jess has started up again!
Next session: Wednesday 29 January 8pm at the Chestnuts Centre on St Ann’s Road
Check out these local walking guides! 👣

Our Haringey, our future. Budget consultation ended
Important decisions to be made by Full Council in March 2025

Streetlink connects people sleeping rough to local services

Love Clean Streets
Report issues like fly-tipping, missed bin collections, street repairs

Have your say on Haringey School Admissions – ENDED
The council is consulting on its proposed school admission arrangements, including reductions in the published admission number (PAN) at several schools for the 2026/27 academic year.
Have your say – consultation deadline 9 January 2025

VCRA aims to represent the interests and concerns of people living in the streets around Vartry Road, South Tottenham, London N15.

Join our lively & supportive Neighbour WhatApp group, as well as groups for parents, cats & the allotments

We have two great hands-on councillors in our ward (Seven Sisters)Barbara Blake and Michelle Simmons-Safo, who hold their surgeries on Wednesday evenings at the Triangle Centre in Paignton Park.

We hold meetings where people can meet our local councillors, police, refuse & recycling collectors to raise issues of concern. We also have monthly litter picks in Manchester Gardens & Paignton Park. Once a year, we usually get together in Paignton Park.

Georgie from Earthwatch & Carol from VCRA soil testing in Paignton Park for the Tiny Forest