Manchester Gardens

There is a regular litter pick by local residents every month at 10am with collection by the council afterwards. Pickers, gloves & bags are provided. All welcome!
Second Saturday of every month
Next: Saturday 12 April 10am
Any questions, please get in touch

Manchester Gardens was originally the walled garden of a large, private house. It was given to the local community for use as a public garden. Originally called Seven Sisters Gardens, it was laid out with a central grass area with a small circular paved pool at its centre, with seating, perimeter walks, raised mixed borders and a small square pavilion. The garden was later renamed Manchester Gardens. Having become neglected, improvements were undertaken in 2008 and the gardens have been redesigned, although retain a formal layout; the Gardens were re-opened by the Mayor of Tottenham.

We have created a leaf composter and a bug hotel. VCRA, as well as the HAGA Gardening Group have planted bulbs over the years, which come again each Spring.

The VCRA has been addressing anti-social behaviour with a multi-agency approach. It was discussed at the recent residents’ meeting on 7 October last year.

Litter PickNic